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Mercer Island- Front yard
Mercer Island- Post light attachment
Mercer Island-wall light attachment
Mercer Island-fence
Mercer Island-tree
Mercer Island-garden
Mercer Island-trees in the lawn
Mercer Island- dwarf tree
Mercer Island- garden lights design
Mercer Island- trees in the yard

Mercer Island

Mercer Island


Enhancing darker backyard features with LED lighting at Mercer Island residence

Highlighting features such as a pebbled walkway, carefully selected plantings, and stately arborvitae may seem insignificant during the day, but at night, with the correct LED lighting, these elements transform into stunning focal points. The interplay of light and shadow brings a new dimension to the plantings and hardscape, revealing the true beauty and contours of the landscape.

This Mercer Island home, surrounded by a beautiful natural wood fence, now boasts an outdoor space that is both inviting and enchanting. The LED lighting design enhances the pebbled walkway, making it a visually appealing and functional pathway. The precision lighting of the Japanese maple and arborvitae trees adds depth and elegance, turning them into captivating features that draw the eye.

The outdoor pool, the centerpiece during the summer months, is now framed by expertly placed lights that enhance its allure and make it a gathering spot for evening entertainment. The correct use of LED lighting not only highlights these elements but also creates a cohesive and harmonious ambiance throughout the backyard. The homeowners now find themselves entertaining and enjoying their outdoor space far more than ever before, thanks to the transformative power of our lighting design.

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