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As a landscape lighting designer in the Pacific Northwest, I've observed a growing concern among Seattle homeowners regarding the rise in home invasions. The integration of functional and aesthetically pleasing outdoor lighting, especially in the context of Northwest Outdoor Lighting trends, is becoming increasingly important for enhancing home security.

The Rise in Seattle’s Home Invasions 

Seattle's dynamic urban landscape has recently seen a rise in home invasions, compelling homeowners to consider more robust security measures. As landscape lighting experts, our goal is to blend safety with style, offering lighting solutions that not only deter intruders but also complement the architectural beauty of your home.

Cottage Lake Home- driveway to the gate

Impact of Outdoor Lighting in Home Security - Outdoor lighting, particularly when thoughtfully designed, can significantly impact home security:

  1. Deterrence Through Illumination - A well-lit home exterior is a key deterrent for intruders, who often rely on the anonymity provided by darkness.
  2. Enhanced Visibility - Properly designed outdoor lighting ensures that all critical areas of your property are visible, making any suspicious activity more noticeable.
  3. Harmonizing Security with Aesthetics - The challenge and art of landscape lighting design lie in creating a setup that ensures safety while enhancing the visual appeal of your property.
Carnation Home- backyard

Selecting the Perfect Outdoor Lighting for Security - In the realm of Northwest Outdoor Lighting, the key is to choose fixtures that address security needs without compromising on design:

  • Brightness and Coverage - It’s crucial to select lights that adequately cover your property, focusing on entry points, pathways, and potential blind spots.
  • Energy Efficiency - LED fixtures are an excellent choice for their longevity and lower energy consumption.
  • Strategic Placement for Maximum Effect - As designers, we focus on placing lights in a manner that not only illuminates but also adds to the overall landscape aesthetic.
Mercer Island- Front yard

Embracing Smart Landscape Lighting Solutions - Smart technology has revolutionized outdoor lighting. With these advancements, homeowners can now control their landscape lighting remotely, integrating it seamlessly with other home security systems for an added layer of protection and convenience.

Leveraging Local Expertise in Seattle - I recommend utilizing the local resources available in Seattle, such as community safety programs. These resources, combined with professional landscape lighting design, can greatly enhance your home’s security. You can also read our interview with Woodinville's Task Force Detective regarding home security. 

In light of the increasing home invasions in Seattle, integrating outdoor security lighting into your landscape design is more than a trend—it's a necessity. 

By balancing the principles of Northwest Outdoor Lighting with the functional demands of home security, homeowners can achieve a safe and aesthetically pleasing outdoor environment. Remember, effective landscape lighting design is not just about lighting up your property; it's about creating a safe, inviting space for your family.

Consider assessing your property’s lighting needs. As landscape lighting designers, we're here to help you navigate the choices and create a lighting design that meets your security and aesthetic needs. Let’s illuminate your home’s potential together. We're here to help.

Up next.

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Landscape Security Lighting

At Northwest Outdoor Lighting, our clients are looking to install landscape lighting for a variety of reasons. Certainly they want to accentuate their home’s beauty, or emphasize aspects of their property that may otherwise be overlooked. But another strong reason clients seek landscape lighting is because of security. With the holidays coming, thieves are out in full force, looking for easy jobs to pull. The darkness of your property may offer thieves just such an opportunity.


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Your Home – Shining Bright, Safe and Secure

A recent study of homes in New York claims that the presence of outdoor illumination can decrease your chances of a break-in by almost 40%! Not only does outdoor lighting make your property shine with beauty, but it can also impact your home’s security and your peace of mind.



Illuminating Elegance in the Highlands Community in Seattle

Northwest Outdoor Lighting specializes in creating customized lighting solutions that respect and enhance the natural beauty of the Highlands.

Lighting Design

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